Stubborn Pigment Concerns, Tighter/Smoother Complexion, Tattoo Removal

PICO Genesis™ Treatment With Enlighten™ III

enlighten before and after


Pennoyer MD is the first local practice to offer the Enlighten III, which has 3 lasers including the new 760 nm (nanometers) which can effectively address pigment concerns, tone/texture, as well as target tattoo removal (including blue/green tattoo colors which was previously not possible).

In order to remove the full range of pigment concerns, including tattoos, the ideal combination of technologies—wavelengths, pulse durations and energy levels is required. Enlighten III delivers it all in one complete system to address not only pigment, but also skin tone and texture. This cutting-edge picosecond technology offers the broadest range of “fluence” (energy) and spot-size selection, resulting in the most advanced platform optimized for depth, speed, power, and safety.

It is also the only photo-rejuvenation laser that targets pigmentation, plus tightens and smooths, with zero downtime. And it can be used on the face, chest and arms. This new non-thermal procedure selectively shatters the pigment and remodels the upper dermis, resulting in a brighter, more uniform and brilliant complexion in as few as two treatments.

Enlighten III laser system offers the most efficient and complete removal of stubborn skin discolorations and tattoos. Its multiple wavelengths are able to treat a range of tattoo ink colors, which may result in faster, less painful, and fewer treatments.


The procedure takes about 20 minutes, and requires virtually no downtime. Patients may apply ice for any pain.

To learn more about available treatments or to schedule an appointment, please complete the form below or call the office at 860.243.3020.

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