Skin Infections

Skin infections are very common and can be caused by germs, environmental conditions, or injuries. While you can avoid most skin disorders and skin infections, there are some that require you to see a Dermatologist. Avoiding contact with an infected person or even an object can usually prevent skin infections. Skin infections can usually be avoided though the use of hand washing and topical antiseptic use.

The various germs will cause varied skin disorders. Bacteria can cause an outbreak of boils, which are hard, red lumps that are tender to the touch and are caused by an infected hair follicle.

Impetigo is also a skin infection that is caused by bacteria and is characterized by small blisters that form yellow crusts. This infection can spread very easily and enters the body through breaks in the skin.

There are also fungal infections, which can result in ringworms that show red, scaly, round patches. This is not serious and easily treated.

Athlete’s foot is an irritating and often painful fungus infection that occurs between the toes and the skin becomes red, itchy and flaky.

Treatments Available
Boils: If you leave a boil alone it will usually burst in about two weeks. You can apply hot, wet compresses to the boil every few hours to relieve pain and encourage bursting. Never pinch or mash a boil as it will spread the infection.

Impetigo: Wash the area several times a day, and this will soak off any crusts. Use topical over the counter antibiotic at least twice daily for 5 days. If you do not see improvement, please call the office

Athlete’s Foot: Using an antifungal ointment and wearing cotton socks usually ends this infection of the skin.

To learn more about available treatments: Request an appointment.

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